SolidBrain has entered TOP-5 companies by rating 2018-10-18

SolidBrain has entered TOP-5 companies engaged in software development in Automotive Industry by rating. In October, updated the ratings of companies registered in the catalog. Among the Ukrainian developers, SolidBrain ranked 5th with a total rating of 5/5. is an American research organization that studies the global IT market and annually creates ratings among companies. The purpose of the resource is to help beginners and professionals find their clients and achieve the desired success in the field. Clutch lists only the best of their lists, and in order to register in the directory, the service staff interviews to confirm the truth of the information provided.


Every customer's feedback is very important to us, because it is you who create our reputation. Due to the responses of satisfied customers from our largest projects SolidBrain gains popularity and confidence, and is able to improve and grow.

It's easy to leave a rating - just go to and set the time for the interview. Company page -